Friday, October 24, 2008



Cindy said...

Not sure if you are short on hormones or you have to many...but you seem a little angry or should I say "hormonal" So maybe you should go to Ohio and give them some?? I'm just sayin.

The Katzbox said...

Hmmmm....voluntary hormonal donations....I'll look into it!

Anonymous said...

ladies, this right here is exactly the kind of thing i'm talkin' about. say what you will about Earlene and her choice in men, she shore 'nuf can kick some snooty hospital be-hind!

but, Earlene? i'm afraid to tell ya, but your job ain't quite done. please see what you can do about the quality of what they call food up there to Riverside. last night, Abby's vittles was so pitiful, she done send 'em right back. didn't eat a BITE! and she's a growing girl! don't i know it.

The Katzbox said...

Lawd a mighty! Don't make me organize a cassarole convoy for that baby girl...she'll be eatin' peach preserves and grits and oatmeal and that good grainy bread, course that new preacher's wife thinks her peach preserves just fell outta heaven (more like they was KICKED out, cryin' out loud)...does she HAVE to eat hospital food?....can't we order her out side food?...if that place is fool enuf to run outta hormones, who knows what kind of fool is runnin' the kitchen?????

Anonymous said...

well, if you wanna talk peach preserves, you best not be forgettin' my granny who, let me jist set the record straight right now, could whoop ANYBODY's big fat hillbilly be-hind in the preserves department and don't EVEN get me started on what her prune preserves could do to a body. talk about Lawd amighty!

(as for getting food from the outside, we are doing that. hard to do it 24/7, tho.)